Notice is hereby given that the Annual Membership Meeting of the Alumni Association of AIM, Inc. (AAAIM) will be conducted on June 22, 2024, Saturday at 2:00 p.m. - 4:00p.m. Followed by a networking event from 4:00pm-6:00pm. Venue will be at Functions Rooms 1-4, Ground Floor, AIM Conference Center, Benavidez corner Trasierra Streets, Makati City, Metro Manila. Please confirm your attendance by signing up here.
Those who are unable to attend in person can participate via Zoom with details below:
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/85032175817?pwd=N0tFMDkzY1N4SG1lclJZWW94M2tMdz09Meeting
ID: 850 3217 5817
Passcode: 134068
Following is the agenda of the meeting:
1. Call to order
2. Determination of the quorum
3. Approval of the Agenda Review/ Approval of the Minutes of the previous annual meeting (May 20, 2023)
4. Chairman’s Report and Matters for Board Information and approval.
5. Election of Trustees
6. Other Matters
7. Adjournment
Below are the following documents for the AAAIM Annual Membership Meeting:
1. Batch Proxy Form (Annex A)- this must be documented through a sign-up sheet (or equivalent sign-up for digital /social media/ messenger/ viber group) signifying each batch member/alumni’s approval of their Batch Representative. The email address and mobile number of the alumni should be indicated.
2. Minutes of the previous annual meeting held on May 20, 2023 (Annex B)
3. Board Resolutions approved by the AAAIM Board 2023-2024 (Annex C)
These documents can be accessed through this link.
Following the approval by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the amended AAAIM By-Laws, the Nomination and Election Committee (NOMELEC) is pleased to inform the alumni community of the all- inclusive provision that is the Batch Rotational Framework (Article XI, Sec. 4)
Under this provision, the following Homecoming celebrating batches are formally invited to be a member of the AAAIM Board of Trustees through their duly approved Batch Representatives, subject to consultations during the Batch Assembly on April 25, 2024. and then the official approval by the Annual Membership Meeting come June 22, 2024 Saturday from 2:00pm - 4:00pm.
These celebrating batches are: 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2020.
Batch Representatives representing these aforementioned celebrating batches:
1. must attend the April 25, 2024, at 4:00 PM Batch Assembly at the Function Rooms 1-4, AIM Conference Center Lobby to signify their affirmative intention to be nominated to the Board of Trustees and be elected (During the June 22, 2024, Annual Membership Meeting) to the AAAIM Board of Trustees for the period 2024-2026.
Although not ideal, should a Batch Representative or his/ her alternate Batch Rep be unable to physically attend the Batch Assembly, arrangements may be made for a hybrid attendance to the April 25, 2024, Batch Assembly.
2. are earnestly requested to kindly get in touch and inform their respective batches to secure the necessary respective proxy forms to be submitted to AAAIM not later than May 10, Friday, 5:00 pm. Those members and batch representatives who wish to participate in the Annual Membership Meeting are likewise required to register here.
Any and all Batch Representatives are invited to attend the April 25,, 2024, 4:00 PM Batch Assembly and of course the June 22, 2024, Saturday 2:00 PM Annual Membership Meeting. The venue will be Function Rooms 1-4 , AIM Conference Center Lobby.
ALTERNATIVE: Existing Batch Representatives of record should certify / attest to their continuance as Batch Representative for the June 22, 2024, AGM. In the case of turnover of Batch Representation, the previous Batch Rep is to attest / certify as to the identity of their incoming Batch Rep. For New Batches just organized or organizing to be represented, batchmates are to certify to their Batch Rep via respective proxy forms from their batchmates or if the Membership Committee of AAAIM can witness to their Batch organizational process and selection of Batch Rep.
For inquiries, you may contact the AAAIM Secretariat at aaaim@aim.edu; 0917-7169681.
Thank you!