Participants of the Conference/Workshop – CVIF-DLP:22 Years and 1000+Schools Later
July 9, 2024, Fuller Hall, Asian Institute of Management
A Crisis! Miseducation of the Filipino learners! A failed education system!
The Education Committee of Congress’ EDCOM II Year One Report concludes – after studying the contributing factors that led to the consistent dismal performance of Filipino students in a series of PISA (Program for International Students Assessment) tests conducted from 2128 to 2024. Filipino students ranked near the lowest among over 70 countries globally.

Responding to the crisis and call for action, the International Movement of Development Managers (IMDM) – an organization founded by the AIM MDM alumni in 2003, collaborated with the Central Visayan Institute Foundation, PLDT SMART, DepEd and the Management Association of the Philippines in hosting a conference/workshop to look at the inspiring 22-year journey of the CVIF-Dynamic Learning Program (DLP) which is now adopted in over a thousand schools in the country. A shining light amidst the darkness of this education crisis.
The Central Visayan Institute Foundation – Dynamic Learning Program or CVIF-DLP was developed by Ramon Magsaysay awardees and physicists Drs. Christopher Bernido and +Victoria Carpio-Bernido in their high school in Jagna, Bohol, a 3rd class municipality. This DLP was launched in 2002. A couple of years later the performance of the CVIF HS students improved dramatically and over the years this program has been adopted by more than a thousand schools – involving learners from elementary to tertiary levels, including ALS and SNED students all over the country. And after 22 years a number of the CVIF alumni are now taking PhDs from top universities in the world proving that the CVIF-DLP can develop the fullest potential of learners despite the many handicaps and challenges pervading in the Philippine education system.
For a number of years, Drs +Maria Victoria and Christopher Bernido have been invited by AIM in the Bridging Leadership class to share their inspiring story of their school and the DLP to students of the Master in Development Management Program.

Dr. Christopher Bernido – President, CVIF
The “CVIF-DLP – 22 years and 1000+ Schools Later” conference/workshop was hosted at the Fuller Hall, AIM last July 9, 2024. Dr. Christopher Bernido presented an overview of the DLP – highlighting the 4 pillars that are the foundation of the system induced learning pedagogy that raised the performance of their high school students in their town of Jagna, a third-class municipality 70 kms from the capital city of Tagbilaran, Bohol. He showed an example of the Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) – how it is designed and used so that it promotes independent learning of the student. Walking the participants through the pre-calculus subject matter in the sample LAS, Dr. Chris demonstrated how complex lessons can be simplified into bite-sized learning sessions. No-Homework Policy – a component of the Strategic Rest pillar; Comprehensive Student Portfolios, instead of textbooks, that are strictly kept at school; Parallel Classes – that ensure only 20-30% teacher-led session and allotting 70-80% student learning by doing activity, are core elements of the DLP. Writing the LAS and working on the exercises in class are components that ensure whole-brain engagement – thus better retention that all contribute to effective learning.
Through the years from its launching in 2002, CVIF graduating students’ performance improved from the bulk of students (>50%) rating below average in national college admission tests to a dramatic shift to 70% of them ranking at the top 10% nationwide!

Two school representatives that also shared their stories – Mr. Desi Magnaye of Davao Christian High School and Mr. Rain Rubio of Stella Maris College echoed the same results. Their students improved in performance after 2 or 3 years to such an extent that students who have been fully immersed in the CVIF-DLP pedagogy from 1st year to senior years, 70 % of their graduating students ranked to within the top 10% of students nationwide.
Other schools also shared gems of good experience in the adoption of the CVIF-DLP. Ms. Amparo Tuazon of University of the East, Manila highlighted the seamless blending of the DLP with their thrust on Multiple Intelligences. Paris-bound student fencer, Samantha Catantan attested the LAS helped her a lot in catching up with her academics despite months of training for the Olympics. Mr. Daryll Rodelas shared that in their experience – in their schools – Eastern Quezon College, Eastern Tayabas College and Quezon Camarines High School, the CVIF-DLP helped them during the COVID 19 pandemic. They became resilient and they even thrived in their performance. In the Licensure Examination for Teachers, 70% of their graduates passed. Contrast this to schools in the EDCOM II Report. It cites that some 77 HEs offering BSBE and 105 HE’s offering BSSE continue to operate despite 0% passing grade for their graduates. What improvement in performance in these schools can result if they adopt the CVIF-DLP? CVIF-DLP can certainly improve the competence of our teachers – a critical driving factor in the current performance of Filipino students.
Adoption of the CVIF-DLP makes good business sense too. Less teachers to more number of students since a master teacher can handle 2 to 3 classes at the same hour while being assisted by facilitators (non-subject matter experts). Ms. Marianne Galvan-Tan shared that their school Escuella Señora de La Salette in Dagupan City which caters to SNED, elementary and high school students grew from 300 students when they started adopting the CVIF-DLP to a population of 3000 students! Testament of a quality education as espoused by students and parents and other stakeholders helped spread the word. They also thrived during the pandemic, demonstrating the resiliency of the pedagogy amidst the challenges that greatly impaired the learning effectiveness of many schools nationwide. Their school is the first school accredited and awarded with a certification of CVIF DLP Gold Status.

The stories of Ms. Evan Campos of DepEd Sarangani Province and Dr. Butch Mahinay of ALS programs in Northern Mindanao offer a different lens to appreciate the CVIF-DLP. Both experienced a wholesale implementation of the CVIF-DLP for multiple schools at a time in many municipalities and cities in their respective DepEd jurisdictions with great success despite the challenges – the acid test of the COVID 19 pandemic. In both Sarangani Province and Region X of Northern Mindanao, they wrote LAS’s by the thousands covering the varied subjects of their respective learners.
What’s unique and beautiful in the implementation in Sarangani Province is that the localised LAS’s were written in the different mother tongues of the different tribes – the Blaan, Tagakaulo and T’boli - enabling preserving the nuances of the different values and cultures. There was a community approach in engaging stakeholders. These involved elders, many teachers and key stakeholders gathered for orientation and training, through to the implementation of the CVIF-DLP, reaching out to even the remotest and difficult areas where their students are – their future generation of constituents and leaders. And they sensed the love of learning that was engendered among the students – including parents as the LAS’s were written in the language they understood. And during the pandemic, the CVIF-DLP LAS’s made it possible for the continued learning and they even saved over a Hundred Million Pesos in the process since the LAS’s were easier to print, lighter to carry (by motorcycle riders) than the Self-Learning Modules. A mobile literacy App was also developed in partnership with SMART PLDT to help in the overall implementation in Sarangani.
Dr. Mahinay saw the expansion of the ALS program he implemented in Cagayan de Oro using the CVIF-DLP approach from 10 districts, 33 ALS implementers, and 3000+ learners to the whole of Region X involving 14 SDO’s, 502 ALS Implementers and 16000+ of learners. As the success of the CVIF-DLP- backed ALS program in Mindanao spread, today there is now an initiative to implement the program in Batangas City and the province of Samar. What’s also notable is that learners include persons deprived of liberty, drug dependent students under rehab and many more second-chance learners. Dr. Butch Mahinay is one of the CVIF-DLP ambassadors with a personal commitment to spread the good news of the CVIF-DLP so that our learners will have the chance to develop to their fullest potential.
in Photos: From Left: Dr. Poch Macaranas – Chair Education Committee, MAP, AIM Professor (Retired); Mr Eugene Acevedo – Vice Chair AIM BOT; Corporate Communications, PLDT & SMART
With the involvement of the Management Association of the Philippines as sponsor and partner of the conference/workshop as led by Prof. Federico Macaranas – chair of the Education Committee of MAP, awareness on the CVIF-DLP will further spread among MAP’s member organizations, companies and institutions. Hopefully more partnerships will be forged. Partnership and collaboration - like the good example of SMART PLDT as a long-time partner of the CVIF (over 14 years) is helpful in scaling up the reach of the CVIF DLP. Ms. Cathy Yang, First VP and Head of Group Corporate Communications, PLDT & SMART, affirmed their company’s commitment to inclusive and quality education so that no learner is left behind. Mr. Eugene Acevedo, Vice Chair of AIM’s Board of Trustees also expressed that AIM and its alumni – as shown by the initiative in hosting the conference, will continue to play a role in working with key stakeholders in the shared goal of improving education in the country.

Immediately following the Conference/Workshop, the AAAIM, through the leadership of Chairman Bobby Benares, discussed with Prof Gary Grey (head) and members of the Education Committee, on how it can also support the scaling up of the CVIF-DLP as a way of helping improve the education system in the country.
Taking action on the insights and recommendations generated in the conference/workshop will provide opportunities for AIM Alumni to live by the tenets of Lead, Inspire and Transform.
For more information about CVIF-DLP, you may contact Mr. Pons Carpio, MDM 2003 at 0908-8106513.
Article written by: Mr. Jesus Alfonso Carpio, MDM 2003, AAAIM Trustee